A Painter Application | | OpenGL

QGL is a Qt wrapper for the OpenGL API.

OpenGL is a API for rendering 3D virtual scenes. It utilizes the graphics hardware of a particular platform for high performance rendering. On mobile devices a subset of OpenGL is utilized: OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems).

The main use case for OpenGL in a Qt application is the have a OpenGL rendering context as the 3D rendering area. The QGLWidget class establishes such a context attached to the widget canvas.

So a QGLWidget is a 3D rendering window.

First, we need to check if OpenGL and a proper grafics adaptor is avalable on our platform, so that we can use QGLWidget. Otherwise the application will likely crash.

#include <QtOpenGL/qgl.h>

if (!QGLFormat::hasOpenGL())
   QMessageBox::warning(0, "NO OPENGL",
                        "Open GL is not available. Program abort.",


Note: If OpenGL is available, it is also utilized as the rendering backend of QPainter.

A Painter Application | | OpenGL
